We both worked in the same company but hardly even noticed each other at work. But destiny had it, and we were sent to Japan on an overseas project together. I had never stayed away from my parents before this trip. I missed home and found staying alone really difficult. But then, he gave me the confidence to be independent. Soon we became very good friends and then not long after, fell in love with each other. Gradually, being with him, felt like home, and after some resistance from the family, we got married to each other.
We have known, each other now for 8 years and I wonder what made us fit in with each other so smoothly like pieces of the same puzzle. Through this journey, I realized that through our differences, we have learnt to complement each other. We are from a completely different cultural background and so our traditions and family rituals and beliefs are also different. But we have always strived to achieve a balance in everything we do. Our food, our praying habits, our thoughts, and our actions are all wonderful coming together of who each of us is.